Today its been 16 years of marriage!
There have been many times I have thought we wouldn't make it. But love prevails and keeps trying...over and over without end.
We made a promise to stay together and by gosh, so far so good!!
It's been 16 years of hard life lessons but also some pretty dang good lessons as well!
Here are a few things that have happened in this 16 years of marriage so far:
*owned 2 houses
*lived in 2 states
*moved 3 times
*owned 15 vehicles
*welcomed 4 sweet boys
*a temple mission
*owned a business or a few
*learned new traits
*taught lots of kids in church callings
*went through a miss carriage
*took up road biking and did some 50+ mile races
*started running startan OCR races, about to finish our trifecta medal
*got fit and healthy
*took on a bunch of kid sports and activities
*fell in love a few more times together!
Those are just a few off the top of my head... I'm sure the list is much longer lol!
Babe, you will forever be my always
I love you and this little life we have created together!