"Throughout our lives, we must deal with change. Some changes are welcome; some are not. There are changes in our lives which are sudden, such as the unexpected passing of a loved one, an unforeseen illness, the loss of a possession we treasure. But most of the changes take place subtly and slowly. Day by day, minute by minute, second by second we went from where we were to where we are now. The lives of all of us, of course, go through similar alterations and changes. The difference between the changes in my life and the changes in yours is only in the details. Time never stands still; it must steadily march on, and with the marching come the changes. This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief. Opportunities come, and then they are gone. I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not. I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do. Instead, find joy in the journey—now. Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomorrows. " Thomas S. Monson

July 28, 2008

New Pictures...

So i got some REALLY cute pictures of kaylin outside playing in the grapes and with sammy, i posted them on my photography blog so go check them out and tell me what you think! In the mean time here are two that i love!

July 25, 2008

Birthday Cake Fun...

Kaylin had his little birthday party the other day and i'm finally just being able to sit down and have some time to post his pictures. So the day after kaylin's party he got sick out both ends for a few days and this is why.....i figure it's because when we let him have a piece of his cake....he didn't really eat any of the cake it self more like just the frosting, but he shared...with his CAR, over and over he just kept covering poor lightning with frosting and then licking it off of him, i know i should have stopped him ofter like the 5th time but it was his birthday and i don't mind him getting messy for once and not to mention his was so dang funny!!

Blowing out the candles...

Kaylins Car cake...

the hand fulls of frosting for his buddy lightning...

now eating it off of the car...

packing it back on....

showing me, and asking me if i want some....

finger licking good....

the poor lightning McQueen...

yes still licking it off...

slerping it off now...

TADA...look at my mess mommy!

at the end of the day kaylin finally got off his sugar high
and crashed, but had to have his hands full with as many
cars as his hands could hold!!

July 18, 2008

Happy "2" Birthday.....

So today kaylin turned 2 i cant believe it, time is just flying by all the time, i remember the day i had him and all the little moments with him now they seem like so long ago yet just like yesterday.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYLIN JAMES!

Kaylin and Sam playing in the front room (dont worry he doesn't come in all the time only when its like over 103 outside, ya he's a baby) anyways its so cute when sam plays with him his trys to be so careful with kaylin, i caught then when they were both hugging each other it was cute. then sam let kaylin sit on his back and i got a pictures of that too.

The New Me... Again.....

Ok so here it is my final product...i actually really really like it now that it is the way nick and i were wanting it...it does feel really strange but good at the same time...i miss my long hair and i don't know what i was thinking but i do like it better now!!
P.S i added the pictures of the first cute on my last post below

July 17, 2008

What was i thinking....

ok so nick totally made me do it,no not really, we both thought that maybe it was time for a change,...i cut ALL my hair off yesterday and I'm so not happy about it, i have let it grow out for the past 8 years and now it back to were i started...short short short. I am not going to put a picture on yet cause i still have to cut it a little bit more to make it just how i want since i don't really like it right now and the color it off so i have to re due that too, yip not blonde anymore, but im trying to be blonde on top and a little brown in the bottom, i swear i cant ever just leave my figgin hair alone, i need to just shave it all off so i wont have anything to mess with anymore. gosh I'm stupid.

July 05, 2008


So i know most of you that read this wont really care but i have to share it cause i think it is so freakin awesome....KAYLIN PEED IN THE BIG BOY POTTY TONIGHT!!!!!!!
I really cant believe he did it but he did, he has been showing some interest in the toilet for a while and wants to be just like daddy so he goes in there one in a while and says "peep" and points to his you know what, but nothing really has come out of it yet, so tonight we went and got a fish out of this pond and the water smelled so sick so nick wanted to go get in the pool for a bit since it is so nice out side and our water is soooo warm and so i got kaylin a swim diaper out and took his other one off and he got up off the floor and pointed to him self and said peep again so i told to just hold him over the toilet and see if he would actually get what to do and the did and kaylin did nothing....we said good try kaylin maybe next time...and then he pointed to him self and i said nick i really think he has to go and nick held him over the toilet again and HE PEED, we were so happy and kaylin just kept smiling and saying peep peep, so i gave him a few chocolate chips and he was excited to get those!!! so that's my story for today but i had to write and tell you all!!!

July 04, 2008

Hot Summer Days....

Yes we finally got our pool all up and man has it been so nice....we swim pretty much everyday and even late at night it has been really nice and relaxing as well, of course kaylin loves it and wants in everyday, so we really have no choice cause he never gives up if he wants something until you do it. Kaylin thinks he is so big...we got him some arm floaties cause he doesn't want us to hold him when we are in the water and he cant swim yet but he is doing a good job on learning, he knows how to kick his feet so he getting there, so his head and the floaties are the only thing sticking out of the water, we have a life jacket for him as well but we cant let him go cause he just goes either on his back or stomach so if anyone knows where to get one of those training life jackets let me know or any other good ideas please let me know!!

relaxing on my layout pad..

having fun on the giant dolphin...

Kaylin and Mommy...

Finally a decent picture of my honey and i.... to
bad he had goggles on...

this is what kaylin looks like when we are not holding
him in the pool...ya basically just his head bobbing out of the water.

Oooh So Sleepy...

I let kaylin take a snack in his room the other day and watch some cartoons, i was out doing some cleaning...yes i was actually cleaning...anyways i was wondering why he had not come out yet cause it had been awhile so i went back to check on him and this is what i found....dead asleep with his snack about to spill everywhere...so cute, i love moments like this!

Daddy's Little Helper.....

Nick went out side the other morning and for some reason started pulling weeds, so kaylin ran across the yard and got his wheelbarrow to help daddy with the weeds...so here are some cute pictures i got of him!

good advice!

Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's rib, not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal! Under the arm to be protected, & next to the heart to be loved.

brothers forever

brothers forever

the haslem family