Karbon or "kar-buns" as daddy calls you...your TWO months old today...I'm Soaking up every single second of you...daddy says I'm spoiling you and I'm totally ok with that!
You are snuggling up on my neck and shoulder as I type this...I seriously can't even get enough of you..it's kinda ridiculous but so amazing!!!
You are the most amazing boy, I could love you more if I tried. You fit right into this crazy family and we are all so in love!
Here you are at two months old!!
This month you started getting very alert...you notice when i wasn't by you or when i walk away from you.
you were still in newborn diapers and only about 9 in a half pounds!
you are so happy
you sleep so so well for a premie baby
and I LOVE TO SNUGGLE YOU every single second of the day and night....I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!