"Throughout our lives, we must deal with change. Some changes are welcome; some are not. There are changes in our lives which are sudden, such as the unexpected passing of a loved one, an unforeseen illness, the loss of a possession we treasure. But most of the changes take place subtly and slowly. Day by day, minute by minute, second by second we went from where we were to where we are now. The lives of all of us, of course, go through similar alterations and changes. The difference between the changes in my life and the changes in yours is only in the details. Time never stands still; it must steadily march on, and with the marching come the changes. This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief. Opportunities come, and then they are gone. I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not. I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do. Instead, find joy in the journey—now. Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomorrows. " Thomas S. Monson

February 18, 2015

Happy 23 Months Khai Man...

Your last month before you turn "2" YAY!!
You are such an amazing boy, no lie. I know I always say that but each month goes by and you just amaze us even more.
Here you are at 23 months and You have exploded with words and funny acts! You do so much more then even just a few weeks ago.
Here are some new things you have started doing:

You try to say EVERYTHING we say...its the cutest thing I have ever herd. some of my favorites are:
"of ooh"/love you
"dank ooh"/ thank you
"ooz ooh"/ excuse you

some things that you say pretty dang good that people other then dad and I can understand what you are saying are:
one more
out side
bock bock/ for our chickens
ride/ you say this to daddy when you want him to take you for a ride on his motorcycle
bye bye
apple (you call apples and oranges "apples")

Anyways there are sooo many more words you say but those are the most used everyday. You also say "kippy" which kiptin loves to hear you say!
some things you do all day long other then get into trouble haha, you love to turn on and off the light switches, you love to ride your little red car that G & G got you for christmas, every morning when we get you out of your crib you have to pick up EVERY SINGLE blanket and bring it out with you along with your bink! you just started watching the
movie called "mater tales" its about lighting mcqueen and mater from the "cars movie" every morning you want to watch it and you say "movie" and thats what you call that show
when we hear you say movie we know exactly what you are wanting to watch! kippy is so sweet to you and watches it with you multiple times a day!
Each morning that kaylin is leaving for school you have to give him hugs and kisses and wave bye to him at the door!
We are loving all the kisses you give us all day, We may or may not bribe you for extra kisses!!!
you still sleep like a champ, seriously you cant get an easier baby for sleeping if you tried, you are the best of the best!!!
you are kinda dramatic and try to throw fits on the floor but we just look at you and say "oh stop" and you look at us like "that didnt work" and you stop.
Just yesterday you figured out how to con me into giving into you, example: you wanted some candy pieces yesterday and I had already said No More...you came to me and said
"one more" and I said no, and then you came back a minute later and said "of ooh" "pees" and it was the cutest and I couldnt resist and gave in...and then you kept coming back
and doing it each time you wanted another taffy!

Daddy plays with you in the toy room each day, Grandma and Grandpa Haslem got you this cool radio flyer car and ramp that you drive down...each time you drive down it you have
to fall off the bike and "crash" very dramaticly! you also do the same thing with guns...when you play guns with your brothers and you get shot you fall down and make all kinds
funny noises like your hurt!
Crashing is your favorite thing to do right now!!

We love you so much and I couldnt see life without you ever, you are so amazing and so fun!! watching you and your brothers all play together is the best part of any day!

We love you to the moon and back!!

good advice!

Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's rib, not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal! Under the arm to be protected, & next to the heart to be loved.

brothers forever

brothers forever

the haslem family