"Throughout our lives, we must deal with change. Some changes are welcome; some are not. There are changes in our lives which are sudden, such as the unexpected passing of a loved one, an unforeseen illness, the loss of a possession we treasure. But most of the changes take place subtly and slowly. Day by day, minute by minute, second by second we went from where we were to where we are now. The lives of all of us, of course, go through similar alterations and changes. The difference between the changes in my life and the changes in yours is only in the details. Time never stands still; it must steadily march on, and with the marching come the changes. This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief. Opportunities come, and then they are gone. I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not. I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do. Instead, find joy in the journey—now. Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomorrows. " Thomas S. Monson

April 19, 2012

Kiptins 9 stitches....

November 8th 2011.
Started off as a great day visiting great grandma forsyth in stg while nick worked for the day dwn there.
The boys were having fun playing, kiptin was up and down on the bar stools eating some snacks and grandma and I were right there in the kitchen visiting.
Kiptin was sitting on a bar stool and i was only 2 away from him, he started to climb down and i think some how missed the step and he pulled the big heavy stool on top of him. I ran over to him and lifted it off and noticed that he cut his lip, he had a straight line of blood and i picked him up and headed to the sink to wash it. Once i got to the sink SO MUCH blood started to poor out of his lip and it was cut from his actual lip to his nose, I knew he needed it stitched up cause it was just hanging wide open. All the sudden i started to get fainty (if thats a word) and called my gram over, kiptin was sitting on the counter in front of the sink, i told her to hold the rag on his face and i needed to sit on the ground cause i was just about to pass out. it took all i had in me to keep from passing out, i had kaylin run and grab my phone so i could call nick and tell him, i said kiptin needs to go the ER and get stitches and he said ok go, then i remembered we didnt have a car at my grams house and kiptins lip was still bleed so much and he was getting really white and trying to fall asleep. my grandma had to keep talking to him to keep him awake...and im still sitting on the ground with everything still blurry and dizzy (ya what a great mom i was, right) i sat my self in the freezer to try to cool down and make it so i could stand. I GUESS I CANT HANDLE THE SIGHT OF THAT MUCH BLOOD ON MY OWN KIDS.
all at the same time my gram is holding kitpins lip together, keeping him awake, keeping kaylin calm, and makeing sure i didnt pass out..I LOVE HER, i dont know what would have happened if she wasnt there.
I told nick to come get us but he was like 30 min away so i called my dad and told him to come get us and he was about 15 20 min away but drives a little on the slow side, so who ever showed up first it didnt matter but we had to get to the er soon...right before nick and my dad showed up which they both did with in 2 min of each other, i was finally able to stand and hold kiptin and we got the blood to stop pooring out.
we got to the ER and they took him right back and said they would have to put stitches in it since it was so deep they could just do the glue stitches.
after he told us he also said they wouldnt be able to stitch it unless they put him out so he would stay still and calm through it, and it was more of a tranquilizer...AAAAAAAA i was freaking out again, i didnt want to put my under a tranquilizer...that just made me feel even worse. he had to have a cat scan cause his eye was swelling so big as well.
they got everything done and put 9 stitches in his poor little lip.
after a little over a week he got so sick of his stitches he just pulled most of them out himself...crazy boy.

it was such an awful experience for me, and now im scared if something happens again and im all by my self with no help. im usually ok with blood but i guess not when its that much coming from my own little boy.
here are some pictures of kiptin while we were at the hospital and then after a few days when his eye was so black, he looked so sad it was awful so see him like that everyday, people couldnt believe how black his eye got.
He now has a lovely scare on his lip, it will be a good story to tell all the girls i guess!!

good advice!

Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's rib, not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal! Under the arm to be protected, & next to the heart to be loved.

brothers forever

brothers forever

the haslem family