We had a sweet little Christmas this year since things are pretty tight. Kaylin totally got Christmas this year which made it so much fun for mommy and daddy, Santa brought him a Thomas the train ride on train and he was so in love with it...the whole time he was opening his presents he had to be sitting on "tommy" thats the trains name...i wish i would have remembered to get pictures of him at our house opening the stuff from Santa but i just video taped it. we went to parowon on Christmas eve and nick cut the ham, i got some other just cute pictures of kaylin laying around the house and playing on his train.
Christmas day was was really busy like it is every year for us...we opened our presents at home then went to my moms for some yummy thin pancakes, then my dads for more presents then nicks parents for even more presents...by the time we were done there kaylin was so done with everyone being around him and telling him what to do and what to open and look at this and that, so we went back to our house and kaylin laid on the carpet and seriously played with all his little cars he got for about 4 hours not even kidding you...he didn't even want us to talk to him so we just let him have his own time, and that's all he needed, then he was just a happy kid again...Nick and i played the wii all day and man did that kick my butt i was so sore for about 3 days strait and could hardly move my arms at all. but now i know when i need to work out just flip on the wii and get a good work out!!
i hope everyone had a good Christmas and happy holidays!
December 30, 2008
Our Christmas 08....
December 18, 2008
Fun in the SnOw....
Nick had the day off and kaylin really wanted to go out and play in the snow and kept asking to build a "no man" so nick took him outside and they built there snow man. this is him....
Sampson also had fun jumping up into the air catching snow balls!!!
i was doing something on the computer and i hadn't looked out side for like 10 min and when i turned around there was no longer ONE snow man but now there were Two...well i should say one snow MAN and one snow Girl...yes nick had made a Girl that yes of course had boobs, i was laughing so hard and he was making them bigger and more round...he also put a bra on the poor girl...brrrr she must have been freezing out there with just a bra on! Then he made little kaylin too, so now right out side our back door there are 3 snow man, girl, and boy, looking right in at us! Gotta love guys and there tough thinking not to leave out important details right!
December 13, 2008
Our Gingerbread Train and House .........
Today we decided to build kaylin's gingerbread train since he is way into trains this year and we just so happened to have the train from last year that we never did (good thing cause he loves it this year) and our nephew brayden was over so nick and brayden built a house and me and kaylin built his train. we told them in the morning that if they were good and picked up all the toys in the house we would build the house and train so we went to the store and picked up what we needed and started the huge ordeal! Mine and kaylins went really fast but since it was from last year the frosting was difficult to work with unless i heated it every 5 minutes, and nicks, well lets just say it wasn't working for him either, brayden kept switching sides and saying he wanted to be on my team and then nick would say "well ours is going to have a chimney or smoke", and that brought brayden right back to his side...cheater! All day kaylin kept following me around saying "build choo choo mama" "peas build choo choo" so there was no getting out of it. Kaylin was really into it until i broke out the candy and then he just wanted to eat it, and then when i was done he was trying to drive it all over the counter...it was so cute and fun, and as you can see by the pictures he LOVES his choo choo!!!
December 04, 2008
Christmas Tree Hunting....
So these are pretty late but i needed them on my blog so i could have them to print out! We went out early this year to get our Christmas Tree, we usually do it the day after thanksgiving but since nick was waiting for the phone call to head back up to Colorado we wanted to make sure we got it done before he had to go...so we went a few days before Thanksgiving.
This year we went way out on the Arizona Strip...which i don't think i will go there again cause the trees are now so slim pickings there now, but we had fun we went up for an overnighter and played some games and watched some movies, and just spent some good family time together which is my favorite anyways. The next morning we got up and headed out in search of our perfect Christmas Tree...we seriously ran into ONE pine tree and we walked for a long time..we went in the same spot we went 2 yrs ago but all the trees were freakin gone. It started to rain so we just took that tree cause we were getting soaked but we had fun getting all dirty and wet and no one complained not even little kaylin, our dog was a bigger baby then kaylin was! well we got home and the tree is so big, but we love it! Thanks to my wonderful hubby for always wanting to take us on fun family outings, and for us all having great times together!
December 01, 2008
The Man that Completes Me....
1. were did you meet? My brother and his sister introduced us, right before they got married.
2. How long did you date? 4 yrs 8 mths, from December 1999 to our wedding on Aug 8 03
3. How long have you been married? 5 yrs and 4 months....so that's 9 years all together...wow that's a long freaking time already, but i love it!!!
4. What is your Favorite Feature about him? His muscle's...ya i would say his muscles for sure and then i would say his really soft heart!
5. What is his favorite Quality of his? he is so patient and he is the most honest person i know and very trust worthy.
6. What are his nicknames for you? Babe is pretty much what he calls me, he only calls me by my name if he is mad or trying to get my attention (and since he has called me babe for 9 years it catches me off guard and sounds really funny when he calls me marci)
7. What is his favorite color? that would be GREEN and it fits him perfectly if you know what green stands for, its so nick! (and most guys)
8. His Favorite food? well it use to be pasta factory fettuccine Alfredo with chicken but he got sick one time after and we had just Eaton that so he doesn't much care for it anymore...now i would maybe say Steak and potato's!
9. His favorite sport? hahaha sports no, he hates them,unless they are extrem spots then he is all in, he loves snowbording, four wheeling, dirt biking, and he is a "gamer", yes i did say gamer. he can play for hours with his brother. (iam not talking about board games either cause he hate those as well).
10. When and were was your first kiss? That would be in nicks room in front of the glass closet on Dec 7 1999, the day he "ask me out" !!!
11. Favorite things to do as a couple? well before we had our little boy, we liked going camping and hunting, fishing, skiing. now we love taking kaylin every where together and just hanging out all together, we still take kaylin four wheeling, camping, and this winter we will take him skiing (if it ever snows)!
12. Any children? well i just answered that in the last question, but yes we have one little boy kaylin he is 2 and we have been trying to have another one for a year and a half, we just got on some meds so maybe now it will happen!
13. Does he have any hidden talents? he is so good at building stuff, he can do anything. He can play the sax and the guitar!
14. How old is he? 24
15. Who said "I love you" first? Good question, its been so long i really don't even remember, gosh that is so sad, it makes me so mad. i even just got out my journal to see if i wrote it in there but i guess i didn't, but i sure did write everything else down. hehehe silly me. and i think he said it first over the phone. maybe.
16. What is his favorite music? he likes anything on 96.7 station and he like some rock, HATES COUNTRY.
17. What do you admire about him? He just really is an amazing person all around, i can always count on him and he has been my rock ever since we met, he really is my life and i sometimes forget how much i love him and need him, which is why this little tag is good to bring all this back to my memory. He is the PERFECT DAD, and he loves kaylin so much, and he makes our family work and keeps us going when things get tough!
18. Do you think he will read this? No, only if i tell him too, he thinks blogs are dumb. but i still love him!
November 28, 2008
The Festival of Lights.....
Tuachan has their Festival of lights going on from now until Christmas, it is so beautiful and so much fun for the kids i would definitely recommend you to take your little ones to see all the lights, music, train rides, horse and carriage rides, and yes even Santa is there! they keep it pretty cheep and you get a lot for what you pay. If you show up and do a horse and carriage ride you will even see me, im doing the photographs for the carriage rides....you pay $15 for a family, and $10 a couple and you get a holiday photo in the carriage to go with it. so come out and make sure you stop and say hi to me!!
Our TuRkEy day......
Well another holiday down and gone, now Christmas is really coming fast...yikes.
We eat so much food this year, we went to my Nana's house and she always makes the BEST food, then we headed over to nicks parents house for more food. This year i made the desserts...and i would have to say they were yummy...i made scratch pumpkin eggnog pie, pumpkin pie squares, chocolate pudding pie, and chocolate eggnog pie...they were so good!! this year i found the vanilla spice eggnog and I'm so addicted to it already, i can feel the pounds of Christmas already beginning..yuk.
we had a good year and kaylin had so much fun playing with all the kids this time.
Well now its time to start Christmas shopping...and no i wont be going shopping at 4 am this year, I'm staying in bed nice and warm with no crazy rude stupid people around me!!!
Here's a cute Turkey day poem
May your stuffing be tasty...
May your turkey be plump...
May your potato's and gravy never have a lump.
May your yams be delicious
and your pies take the prize,
and may your Thanksgiving Dinner
stay off your thighs!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 17, 2008
Mommy & Kaylins Getaway.....
This weekend i took kaylin (and my mom went) down to vegas to see my sister becky who flew up there from texas to watch her husband do the fireman competition. well she had all day sunday to hang out so we went down to do a quick visit. I decieded that i wanted to for sure take kaylin to the "shark reef" at mandalaybay hotel, i took nick there for valentines day like a year before we got married and i knew kaylin would just love it! HE DID! Daddy is so sad he couldn't be there to watch all of kaylins reactions (which were so funny) daddy had to go back to colorado for work for a almost two weeks this time so he couldn't go with us.
we walked in and the first thing is the croc, when kaylin finally noticed it he was kinda scared to go up to the glass, he thought it was going to get him, the croc was right up next to the glass too. then we walked through the fish tanks and saw lots of great big fish kaylin was so excited that everywhere he looked there were fish fish and more fish!
Then once we got to the tunnel where you walk through and the fish and sharks are all around you, kaylin walked in a little and was like "wow fishy's" and then i said kaylin look up...and he started to scream, he got a little scared for a second until he saw that the shark and fish were still in a tank and not going to get him, after that second of panic he loved the tunnel and we stayed in it for a long time.
Then we got the pond thing were you can touch the sting rays but of course kaylin didn't want to stick his hand in and touch so he just layed down and watched them all swim by him and barry themselfs in the sand.
we came to the end and its like your in a sunkin ship so they put glass in the floor so you can see the fish swim under you, well kaylin went to walk acrossed it and scream again couse he thought he was going to fall in so aunt becky had to walk over it to show him it was ok.
After the shark reef we went to cesars palace and went shopping and i mean shopping for about 6 hours, ya i was all shopped out...strangly! we found the great BIG toy story and kaylin was in heaven we had to cover all three floors and kaylin just went from toy to toy, he loved all the stuffed animales which were pretty cool i would say, he played on their great big floor piano he ran acrossed it for awhile making music. Then we came to the train station on the 3rd floor and he was in heaven...its the pictures of me and him by the big table thing, they had a whole train railway set up in it and he just loved it! He wasnt leaving the store empty handed so we found him a wood block train that he can take apart and rebuild he played with it all night at the hotel.
then we ate at The CheeseCake Factory, yummy yummy yummy, they had such good desert!
Anyways, i had such a good time and i have some sweet memories with kaylin, i love taking him everywhere i can he is such a great good kid, he never gave me an ounce of trouble and never does, not the drive down nor back, he never cried once, seriously we got blessed to have such a good boy, i know iam kinda bragging right now but you would be so shocked if you ever went anywere with him, he's perfect every time!
yes this is the jack sparrow doll i want santa to bring me!!
My abercombie boyfriend...shhhhh dont tell nick, its a secret!
(beware this is kinda graffic, but it is too funny not to share it with you and i want it for my book when i print this out)
We were walking out of Mandalaybay hotel and they have this wall of all these body parts, i.e. legs, arms, head and butt, and yes boobs, so my sister wanted a pictures by them and kaylin wanted to go with her so she took him and as soon as she stood next to the boobies kaylin grabbed one and said "mine oh mine" yes really this is no joke....so there were lots of people by us and the wall so becky moved cause these other people wanted to take pictures by it and kaylin got so mad that the people were by it he got his mad face on and said "no mine, mine, mine nooooo that mine" and the people took forever so finally they moved and kaylin went back over there and got this BIG smile on his face and put his arm around one and said "oh mine" and every one around just busted up laughing and one lady said "wow that is such a male instinked, and he already has it" and another said "yip he's definitly a male" and lots of other funny comments. i know lots of you out there may think iam a bad mom for letting my boy go by boobs but i really had no idea he was going to do any of that cause he doesnt see that on tv or from us (i didnt think anyways, but i will be for sure watching more carfully what he sees) i sent nick a picture of him doing that to his cell and said "like father like son" "see what your boy had picked up on so now you know we have to be more carful around him in our jestures"..
sorry this was long but i had to remember these moments!
the end
good advice!
brothers forever
