Today Your Daddy gave you a special blessing!
I recorded it so that you would have it your whole life to read back the words which he blessed you with and the things he hopes for you!
Its was so emotional and special to listen to your daddy bless you. each time he has blessed each boy has been special but yours was the last one he would do.
You are so lucky to have a daddy like him, he is amazing and LOVES you absolutely unconditionally, as do I. Here is your blessing:
Father in Heaven,
By the power and authority of the holy melchizedek priesthood which we hold, we hold this baby in our arms to give him a name and a blessing
the name by which he will be known throughout his life and upon church records is KARBON REIGN HASLEM.
Karbon at this time we give you a blessing, a special blessing for your life, that you will feel your Father in Heavens love for you.
The extreme love that he has that in incomprehensible here on earth, that you will have a glimpes of that, that you will love others and treat them
as you would want to be treated. That you will have the desire to do good and that you will hold to the rod and one day you will be able to go to the
temple and be sealed there for eternity. We bless you with the desire to go on a mission when the time comes.
We bless you with strength mentally, spiritually and physically and all be well with you, that you will grow and develop properly and you will have the
intelligence that you need throughout your life. We bless you with these things karbon at this time and all other things that our Father in Heaven has
planned for you and instore for you, we do this humbly in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago