5.15.15 Today is your official due date...BUT your 2 days away from being a month old!!
Your surprised us with you coming a month early and I am so glad you did...I have gotten to snuggle your teeny tiny little body for an extra month!
I have LOVED every single second with you...yes even the 2 and 3 am wake up calls...I wouldnt trade them for anything!
You are such a good little boy...you hardly ever cry, you wake up only ever 4 to 6 hours at night which is not usual for a premie baby.
You are so loved and snuggled to death by your 3 older brothers. Kiptin has to hold you first thing each morning and khailo says "hold it" for me to help him hold you!
Kaylin comes home each day after school and says hi to you and gives you lots of kisses...also first thing in the morning and he has to make sure to tell you good night and that
he loves you and give more kisses and hugs. You truly have the BEST big brothers that any little boy could have..remember that always, and stay close to them!
I love you more then anything this world could ever offer me. I wouldnt trade you for anything. Thank you for choosing this crazy family to be yours here on earth!
Happy Due Date my sweet boy!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago