We finished the cedar city half marathon today!
Made my goal (2 min past my goal actually, but close enough to count) 2:32:36.1 was our final time. we would have made it A LOT faster probably about 20 or more minutes faster but at mile 9 I slowed way down about a mile an hour slower so my calves would hold up the next 4 miles. I wish i could have pushed a little harder but I am still VERY proud that I crossed the finish line and that nick stayed right by my side and held my hand over the line and pushed me to keep going...because REALLY people, this was not an easy task..maybe easy for those who really train for it and are mentally prepared to run 13.1 miles at one time, but for us who didnt train AT ALL it was super mentally hard (and really hard from the waste down)...my breathing was perfect and never got out of breath or tired in that way but my calves where on FIRE and sooo tight the last 4 miles and that was the mentally draining part...the last mile was the KILLER because you are so close to it being over but you are just drained and its so hard to pick up and push, to push your self past that pain...but it was WORTH it. We (and when i say we i mean me ) had to walk about half of the last mile which slowed our time down sooo much but i had to get the energy up to run that last half mile to the finish , it was so awesome to run to the finish and cross that line!!!!
I LOVE my husband for running this with me and supporting me, he really kept me going!
What a great feeling it is to have accomplished this task that not many can say they have done. who know maybe we will run it again next year!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago