SIX months old today!
Khai you turned 6 months old today...i cant believe a half a year has come and gone, before we know it he will be having your first birthday!
You have been growing like a weed, tomorrow we go in for your 6 month check up and i will update with your stats.
You have been a cranky little man for the past week and today your FIRST TOOTH popped up through your gums..your bottom front right one!
I LOVE your smiling face, seriously when im in a bad mood or wake up on the wrong side of the bed, as soon as you give me that little smile of yours and your face lights up, it makes that moment just perfect. I wish you would bless me with some sleep and start sleeping through the night but we are getting closer...I hope.
You roll over now.
Your hair is getting sooo long on top.
You got your first tooth today.
You wake up about 2 times a night.
You wear size 3 diapers.
You wear size 6 to 9 month clothes and some 9 to 12 months.
You think you have to be held at all times. seriously AT. ALL. TIMES.
You LOVE to drink from a cup, when daddy gets water from the fridge your faces lights up and you hold your hands out for the cup.
You like pears.
You like banana's.
You dont like apples or anything else very well yet.
You love when your brothers come around until they annoy you and then you start screaming.
You are really a super baby who just loves his mommy...i dont mind I love spending my days with you!
My life could not be happier then in these sweet moments with you! I love you to the moon and back.
Love Mommy
6 Month Stats....
Weight: 18 lbs 12 oz
73% for weight
Height: 28"
93% for height
Head circumference: 17 1/4
52% for head
Your really are a Huge boy khai...where did you come from??? You tower the percentages over your brothers at this age!!!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago