Before I hit the 22 week mark I wanted to post about the 21st week mark.
Iam a big slacker this week and didnt get a picture, but there isnt really any change from the last so i figured i still looked the same!
This week was a much better week for me, I gave up my pride and asked my doctor if there was anything SAFE I could take during my pregnancy and after so i could feel human again and so my family could have their mom and wife back instead of the wicked old witch! She said it was normal and hormones go flying and things get wacky but i still wanted something and needed it pride aside.
IT IS SOOOO WONDERFUL. I seriously have not felt this good in SOOOO long, all the pregnancy aches and pains seem to be fading and my head is clear, i feel good about my self and motivated to actually get dressed for the day, i have much more control over having patience (still have a ways to go but way improved), I can sleep much better and deeper then i have in MONTHS & MONTHS, and i love my husband again (always a plus haha)..and so on and so on everything is just better and there is sunshine again :)
I have been going to the Chiropractor regularly and that is a life saver, my head aches and pains and back aches are almost gone and most days i just feel great YAY!!!
Now on the BABY side of things, he is doing great, still has no name cause we both just dont know and nothing has popped out to us yet. He is so active, I can tell when he is napping or playing, its so fun to feel him wiggle around in there and try to guess what he is doing! He stay way down as low as he can be unlike kaylin and kiptin who spent most of their days in my ribs (im sure that will come though). we are getting so excited to meet him! Kiptin asks me ever day "can i feels yours baby" and lifts up my shirt and always says my belly is hot! He gave kaylin a big kick the other night and he just loved it!
That sums up my 21st week of baby #3 i think, all in all it was a pretty good week!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago