Since I got behind on blogging with all the crazyness going on around here I think I should catch up a bit!
Thanksgiving (no pictures, i forgot)
I just wanted to make sure I write some things that make me thankful for life each and every day:
Iam thankful for my father in heaven, he has blessed my family so much this past year, He is everything to me, he is always there for me, he listens, I can always count on him, I know he knows what is best for me always and I trust in him.
Iam thankful for my husband, he is by far my better half, he is my best friend (even when im steaming mad at him), He hold our family together, he is the best dad any sons could ever ask for, he is the best husband and I dont deserve such a great man!
Iam thankful for Kaylin, he makes me laugh everyday seriously, He is such a big help to me, he is so smart (sometimes too smart), he has the sweetest kindest heat of any boy that i have ever known, He is my first born and the one who made me a big part of who I am today, I love you kaylin boy!
Iam thankful for my little guy Kiptin, he is such a sweet blessing that I thought I would never get, he was well worth all the hard times getting him here, he makes sure everyday that i get lots of hug from him ( i am never in short supply with those), he is just the best!
I am thankful for the trials in my life, without those I would not understand the most important things we have arent THINGS, it is our family and our gospel that get us through everything!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago