I sit here tonight and there are so many emotions that are flooding me (mostly my eyes, haha)
I LOVE MY FAMILY SO MUCH, my husband is my true best friend my forever partner and means
so much more to me then I could have ever dreamed. Kaylin is my first born son and I look at him
And I can not find words that describe the pure love I have for him, he is amazing beyond belief
He is my everything my whole life, I often wonder if I am a good enough mom for him..I know at times
I fall very short in that area but every day I strive to be better then I was the day before. I want to be the mom
That he is proud of, I want to be his best friend and always be there for him to laugh with and to cry with and all
other things as well. Kaylin I love u FOREVER!
Kiptin is hours away from turning ONE he has brought an overpowering amount of love to my heart
I look at him and can't help but kiss him and tell him I love him over and over again through out the day
I feel like we already have a deep bond with each other and I want to be the best mom to him and show
Him my love everyday. I look at him and wonder what life has in store for him. Kiptin I love u FOREVER!
I do that for both my boys But i feel that for kaylin something big is in his future. I know if he stays close to Heavenly Father something amazing is In store for him, he is honestly the most amazing little boy in the world!
I want them to always have this so they know how much I love them, they are my world, my everything!
Thank you for choosing me as your mom and your wife.....I LOVE YOU FOREVER!
(Kaylin looked up at me one day a couple of months ago and said "mom, I love you forever" so its our family thing now)
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago