So last Thursday i went to raynis house for pizza and a movie which we try to do often...we usually go and get "2 fat guys pizza" and go to her house and put on some movie and relax, well its more of a quiet time for me with out a kid, anyways we were eating our pizza when raynis mom Kim says " does this pizza taste funny to you"...rayni said " a little" and me i said " no mine is not that bad, a little funny but not much". we kept eating and i went for a second piece and oh my gosh it was so sick, i could not even eat the bottom of the pizza, rayni said ya mine taste like some kind of cleaner. Rayni decided to call the pizza place and ask if they had put any different sauce or something on it, the DITSY girl said "no, what does it taste like?" rayni replied "well this might sound stupid but it kinda taste like a cleaner." (you'll never believe this) the girl then replied "oh well its probably JUST BLEACH" we were like what the HE**, bleach what does she mean ...JUST BLEACH? and why in the HE** is there bleach on our pizza... rayni then said, "so its bleach i'm tasting?" the girl said " ya the other girl that is working here with me set the bleach towel in the box to warm it up and them took your pizza out and put it in the box, she didn't know we aren't suppose to re-use boxes that of been dirtied." rayni then said,"well i dont want to wake up sick or something else" the stupid girl said, "iam sure you'll be fine", needless to say we wanted our money back so rayni and i drove back down there and the girl said "I'm sorry for that" I was like are you freakin serious, you put our pizza on bleach and all you can say is "sorry for that" I was not happy as you could imagine and she did not have anything intelligent to say. So morale of the story if your pizza taste funny don't keep eating it you never know when stupid young girls put bleach in your box and don't think anything of it.
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago