Yesterday (Sunday) we always go up and eat with nicks parents for Sunday dinner and it was a really nice day yesterday and nick wanted to ride our bike up to their park cause that's were we were going to eat, well i was not really feeling like ridding up the hill this time and so nick was like come on babe me and Kaylin both want to and i was like no i really don't wanna babe, so nick said ok well how about you ride in the bike trailer with Kaylin and i will pull both of you, well i said im pretty sure i exceed the weight limit on this thing and he said you'll be fine just get in, and i really didn't want to but i squeezed my self in there with Kaylin (good thing he is small), and off we went...well as we were passing people and cars they would all take a second look in it and start laughing and not to mention i was laughing at my self so i didn't mind one bit, Nick got a great work out though. One the way back its all pretty much down hill and we always get going really fast and let me tell you its a whole different experience when your in a little thing behind the bike, it was just like i was on a roller coaster and i hate roller coasters so i was screaming and Kaylin was just looking at me like i was some crazy lady and nick was doing all he could to make it more scary for me...freakin nick...that's the last time he gets the privilege of pulling his 23 year old wife in the bike trailer! i just had to tell that story, im mad we didn't get any pictures of it but i am sure you can all picture it anyways!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago