Kiptin Turns 8!!!
WOW, my sweet boy hits another milestone! Kiptin is my sweet snuggly boy, he loves to come give me loves every day, makes sure I get hugs and kisses before bed, and leaves dad and me cute heart-shaped notes at our desks that say "mom i love you, you are the best" I have two sitting at my desk as I write this!!!
He is still VERY MUCH into hunting, fishing, camping, and all kinds of boy stuff. For his bday he got an awesome deer head made out of antlers, he got deer decor and new shoes. He had a big friend party at the swimming pool, which was hunting theme of course. Kiptin had also been wanting it to snow...he got his wish..we walked out of the swimming party to a full blown blizard, first snow of the season...when we got home we found he left his bedroom window opened and his wish became even more true because he got his very own room FULL OF had to shovel it out!
We sure love you kiptin! Keep being the sweet boy we know you are forever and always throughout your lifetime! We are so proud of you.
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago