You're TWO today!!!
Happy Birthday sweet boy, we sure love the heck out of you!
We celebrated your bday on easter Sunday with all the family since we were all going to be together anyways. I took a few photos of you in your adorable shirt I got you for your
2nd bday, it says "TWO~Handsome" I thought it was adorable and perfect for your bday...because its true, you are one handsome boy!!
We did a low key bday for you this was kinda a bummer for it to fall the day after Easter but we made it work and thankfully your only 2 and dont know a difference yet!
I took you to the store today and you got to pick out a trucks! You picked out a cake and we will get pizza for dinner since its your favorite. Khailo snuck into your cake and took a handful out of was funny!
You are such a fun a toddler. I cant believe the time goes so fast...I wish at times it would stand still and I could have you small forever. You literally make my heart melt into pieces when I see you...Right now you are in a "Daddy" Phase...Daddy this and daddy that, everything daddy. But I love that you love your daddy so much, he loves you more then anything..when you cuddle up with him and he loves on you, it also melts my mama heart! I couldn't ask for a better daddy for you four are very very lucky!
You are starting to say lots of words now. you love bathtime. You LOVE to be love love it..every chance you get you bookit for the door.
You LOVE to play with the "boyz" thats how you say it...when I put you to bed and they are still playing you say "peez boyz peez" (please boys please), it melts me and I usually let you go run with them for another few minutes!
you still love to cuddle on mommy. You dont like strangers at all. You dont like to go to ANYONE if mommy is in the room. You jibber jabber all the time and its the absolute cutest thing in the world. You are laying here on the floor as I type this and are talking away while you play with your new cars!!!! I cant believe this is my last 2nd birthday I will celebrate with my own little the last for everything for me but I treasure it so much!
Karbon you are the most precious little one, You're destined for greatness in your life and I hope you always follow you dreams for as long as it takes. You make me so happy and so complete and I love you so much my sweet boy!
Happy 2nd birthday, we all love you so very much!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago