The BUNZ is 7 months old now....
I swear i was just writing yesterday about you turning 6 months...yikes, time goes too fast.
Karbon, you sure are the best little thing...
I have been enjoying rocking you lately. I tried to sleep train you the last few days and I just couldn't do cried and cried for two hours and it was
breaking my heart....I went in and picked you up and you snuggled right into my neck and fell asleep...that broke my heart even more, knowing the all you wanted
was for me to come in and hold you and make you feel safe. I tried to train you like i did with khailo but he was so easy and only cried for 30 min and he was out.
but you just need you mommy and your mommy just needs you too!!!
I rock you to sleep in my arms every night. we have our quiet time together and we sing lullaby's and I just stare at you and wish that you could stay little forever
I wish you would never grow out of my arms...I will miss this time sooo very much.
I wish I could just snuggle you forever!
You usually fall asleep right by me holding my face or neck...its so amazing to have the feeling i do for you...magical!
You arent a very good sleeper now for some me getting sleep doesnt really happen but I love you so much that I'm not offered to help but if I
let him thats one night i miss out on and these nights will soon be gone and you will no longer need to love you to how ever long it takes, I will LOVE
every single moment I get to hold you and feel your sweet tiny hands on my face.
Your smile lights up your entire face, its just the best!
Your first tooth broke through last night!! bottom left!
You started rolling EVERYWHERE, to get where you want to go you figure it out and roll there.
You got up on all fours last night, only for a few seconds but it was fun to see another one of your "firsts"
I know that people say all the time that "time goes by so fast" and I never realized they were right...but knowing your our last little one has made me realize
that they were right...TIME DOES GO WAY TO FAST.
I love you with my whole heart and more...every part of me just loves you.
I love you forever my sweet little one.
love mommy!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago