well month 4 has arrived. I savor every moment with you...something i wish i would have paid more attention to with the other as well....knowing you my last little one and i will never have my own little one doing the same mile stones as you makes me just sit and hold you most of the day. i would trade it!
this month has been SO much fun...you started giggling thing month..i caught one of your first giggles on video..kaylin was at the hotel room holding you and singing a song and you thought it was the funniest thing and just started laughing....MELTED MY DANG HEART....so adorable, I could listen to that my whole life every single day and never get sick of it...ever.
you went in to the doc for your 4 month check up and shots...which you hated.....and your movin on up the charts slowly but surely! 13 pounds on the dot!
you havent liked your bath for some reason lately
you coo at everything
you love to just sit with me or dad and watch everything
you love your frog chair, it lets you sit up on your own and you can see whats going on
you love the swing to sleep now
you have the cutest chubby lets around
your little face is started to get nice and round
we love you so much and you are a perfect fit to our family, you brothers still maul all over you!
here are some cute pics throughout the month!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
13 hours ago