I came across these amazing sayings the other day and they hit me like a ton of bricks...how amazing it is to be a mother of all boys!
The sex of this baby didn’t matter. The success of this baby did.
They will not sit still and just talk. Or listen. But boy do they know how to live life out loud.
They love their mamas in a special way. “It’s a simpler love,” the facilitator of a mommy & me class once said, as I cradled my third baby boy and over-shared that while I may hope for a daughter one day, I truly love the relationship I have with my boys.
I’m so proud of the little men I’m raising. Those tall, handsome men-to-be will forever be my sticks-and-mud, fire truck-loving boys. One day, they may be distant and seemingly unapproachable—but not to me. They will tower over and protect their little mama. Maybe they’ll even bend down to give me a hug once in a while.
They’re your children, after all. No matter how many of what kind you have, you’ll love them all fiercely, instinctively, and without effort. They will amaze you and delight you. Every single day. And you won’t be able to imagine your family any other way.
Few little girls picture themselves becoming mothers of all boys, but here we are. And we love it.
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago