Seriously I slacked off the past few months badly. I didnt get your post up each month but I promise to do better, or at least try!
This month you turn 23 months old ALREADY...sad to think you are almost 2 and a talking toddler.
MAN you seriously keep daddy and I on our toes at ALL times.
You are mr. independent and want to do everything your self...everything.
You are a busy busy busy busy boy, always on the move and ALWAYS into something...and its rarely something good....You have turned into this monster maniac machine that NEVER
I should be taking pictures of EVERYTHING you get into that is Naughty...I will try to list all the things you have done the past sure I will forget a bunch cause it really never ends. If you are quiet we know you are somewhere doing something naughty again.
You even walk around and say "I naughty", you spank your own bum when we walk in on you doing something you shouldnt be doing and again you say "naughty", and its too cute so i can never be too mad.
here are some things i can remember off the top of my head:
dug with a fork in my candle
spill my water cup on the floor...daily.
throw all your food on the floor on purpose
pull out all the wet wipes
you shoot your brothers in the face with dart guns
got into kaylins drawer and got his lotion and wiped it all over your hair and face
spray all my mopping solution out of the mop...very expensive i may add.
dump baby power all over
get into the sugar
dump flour all over
push the water button on the fridge door and make a huge puddle of water
climb on the counter and play in the sink
climb on the counter to get the cleaner and spray in everywhere
took your formula off the counter into the toy room and play cars in it...another every expensive thing.
stuck your face in your formula right after dad gave you a bath...literally not 5 min after.
got into the peanut butter jar
constantly spill any baggie treats on the floor
try to play in the bathrooms and flush the toilet over and over
get into my bathroom drawers daily and pull everything out...dump my expensive makeup all over
get the gel and cake your head with it
find any and all sprays you can and walk around spraying them...perfume, cologne, air freshner ect..
dump papers or what ever is on a counter, desk, dresser, off onto the floor
rip up things
find my purse and dump it out
find mine or dads wallet and dump EVERYTHING out of it
eat tooth paste
dump your bottle or juice out of your cup through its lid and leave droplets all around the house til its gone or we catch you
the worse thing you do constantly is walk around and try to plug stuff into or unplug things out of the sockets throughout the house....yes you have been shocked but still
you dont seem to mind and will do it again...and again...and again.
You got my hair straightner down and turned it on and burned your self...pretty good too.
turn on the water like in the tub and sink and walk away so it runs for who knows how long.
Any ways you get the pictures...that has all been done within the past few weeks...but really we are always having to chase you down!
We love how happy you are though, and how many things you are starting to say...super cute to hear you try to say the words we are probably say over 50 words.
We took you in for your check up at the doc and your stats are incredible, I do NOT know where you came from, you are huge...super tall and thick...not fat but you can take
out your brothers!
your weight was: 27 lbs 14oz and thats in the 58%
your height was: 36 inches and that is in the 95%...told you...very tall. your brothers are in the 10% and 20% range and you hit 95% at 22 months
your head was: 19 inches round and thats the 46%
You are such a daddy's boy the past few months...if dad leaves all heck breaks loose if he doesnt take you!
you still are an amazing sleeper...12-14 hours a night and you go to bed without a fuss every night
you started to hate showers and baths because you dont like your hair washed
you run free every time you see the chance out the have been cooped up in the house pretty much since you could really walk...we dont go out much in the winter
so im excited for summer and to watch you run and play!
We love you so much and are so so thankful you are ours forever and ever!!!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago