1 1/2 years old little buddy!
Yesterday you turned 18 months old...I have waited for this day to come so you could finally go play in the nursery at church. I tried taking you in there for the past few weeks and you LOVE it...as long as you can see me that is. If I leave the room, within 10 min you are back at my side lol!!!
We have just adored you and how much love and laughter you bring to our family, you love your brothers and its so fun to see you running after them and trying to do "big boy" things with them.
You are starting to say a lot of words but your newest word that you started saying just this week is "dinky" aka STINKY!!
You have been so happy now that your ears are not bothering you ever second of the day.
you love to eat, sleep and play. most of all you are glued to you mommy every second of the day :)
you know when im leaving now, as soon as I put my sunglasses on and get my purse or keys you head straight for the door!
We love you so much and I am so happy you chose us and that you chose not to wait for us to decide when to have you...you were the best SURPRISE i have ever had!!!
we love you khai man!!!
happy 18 months
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago