12 months old!
I can't believe this day is here...what a GREAT first year we have had. by far one of the best from all the boys!!
Khailo, you are the sweetest little boy. Your mommy and daddy love you more then we even have words to describe the amount of love we feel for you.
Today on your birthday is a big mile stone, these next few months you will move from baby to toddler, im so excited and yet so sad, I love all the new things you learn and do BUT i miss all the ones you leave behind. Time truly does move fast and I tried so hard to just let you be little and not push you to do anything and will continue to do that cause I only get you LITTLE for a short time in life.
It's a little sad today that you are sick with a cold and fever that you have had for about 3 days now but you still seem to put a smile on your face and fight through not feeling well. I have really soaked up just HOLDING you and LOVING you the past few days while you just want to cuddle. I know those times are not going to last too long and I am making sure to just not worry about anything else but you and your little loves!
We had your little party on sunday the 16th, glad we did because today you wouldnt be up for anything or having many people over to visit and pass you around! I did a "Little Monster" theme for you bday, i thought it was fitting cause we call you monster all the time since you love to get into all the naughty no no things like the cupboards and toilets and trash...you dump out drawers that you can open and sneak off into the rooms you are not allowed in if you see the chance and no one is looking you take it!
I made all your party stuff and had so much fun doing it for you...I know you wont remember it but its a special day to me and wanted you have be able to look back on it and see it and how much I love you!
I saved your little birthday cake for just us to do with you today on your actual birthday, i hope you like smashing it to pieces!!
Here are a few little facts about you for your 12th month:
You wear size 3 diapers (almost 4)
You wear 18 month clothes
You can crawl super fast
You LOVE us to chase you and try to crawl away as fast as you can!
You love love Banana's and waffle's, toast, juice and yogurts.
You get so happy when you see your brothers
You say "DADA" all the time...you look around for him and call out his name!
You say "Mama" when you want out of your crib when you wake up or when you are looking for me around the house.
You said new words the past week. "baba" "juice" "kaylin"
You sleep great still but are only wanted to take one nap during the day, im not liking that very much!
You are still a huge mama's boy, you only want me when we go anywhere and wont let many people hold you or talk to you unless im holding you.
You clap your hands every time we say "yay khailo" or just "yay" its so fun!
You have the silliest smile sometimes...you throw your head back and squeeze your eyes shut and have such a cheesy smile on your face (i just so happened to catch you doing one today on your bday!
You weigh about 24 pounds now
You are still a beast...so tall! you cant even walk under our kitchen table without bumping your head.
We just love you and are so blessed to have you in our lives each day!
We tried to let you do your cake smash a little while ago but you just weren't having it today...not feeling well just made for a poopy day...poor boy wish you didnt have to get sick on your bday :(
here are the pictures of what little "smashing" you did anyways!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago