There is NO grater LOVE, then the love of a family. My own little family and the love of my life companion!
I just want to tell you, my family, the incredible amount of love I have for you...
I have been so incredibly blessed with my family. I have an amazing husband who I KNOW truly, unconditionally loves and charishes me with all his heart.
We have had some pretty ruff times the past little while but have come to know what TRUE love is. Its deep, it's strong, it fights. We have always known we are FOREVER, I chose you and you chose me, not just for this world but for eternity. We set a goal to strive each day to show each other unconditional love. kind love. sweet love. honest love.
Together we make a team, we are strong and we are fighters. we are unstopable together and together is all that really matters.
I love my husband he is my soul mate and we have created a beautiful life together and an even more beautiful family. Our kids are amazing and full of life & happiness...they are our whole world!!!
I could never ask for anything greater then what i have been truly blessed with already. One thing i have learned the past few years is that it's easy to look in on others and wish you had what they have but in all reality no one knows the struggles other's face. Why envy for want what someone else has, LOVE what you have, be greatful each day you have what you have because one day it may be gone and all you will do is wish you had that one thing back. I am not perfect in that area but i have thought greatly and deeply about it the past few months. Life really is fragile and it comes and goes in a blink of an eye, i never want to regret any of my life with this little family of mine so I want to make it my goal to show them and tell them how very blessed I am to be their wife and mother.
To you my love, Thank you for loving me. You are what makes our family run...what holds us together and what completes us! I am so happy with my choice in life to have chosen you. I still choose you, everyday & forever!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago