Today My little Khai turned two months old. I really cant believe how time is flying by. with 3 kids it seems to be going by much faster, we are always busy around here and days seem to just fly by, unless im deathly tired then they seem to crawl!
Khai is a really good baby for the most part, we went through our few weeks of a little bit of colic and his bowels forgetting how to function...ya that was a lot of fun!
He was sleeping about 5 hours at night at a time if not 6 or 7 but the past week he forgot how to sleep as well lol, he got his shots yesterday so last night was not such a great night for us but we manage cause he is just the cutest!
Here are his two month stats and some pictures:
WEIGHT- 11 lbs 8 oz
percentile- 47%
HEIGHT- 23 1/4 in
percentile- 64%
head circumference- 15 1/4 in
percentile- 23%
From his two Week chk up he is up 27% for weight, 39% for height, and 2% for his head!
He is much much bigger then the other two boy were at this age...he will for sure be our tall kid of the family!!
I LOVE this little boys smiles he gives me all day..he is SUCH a big smiler and has been pretty much since he was born!
I saved the best picture of the day for last...hahaha LOVE it!
Happy Two Months my sweet heart boy!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago