What a fun birth Khailo's was...well most of it anyways!
Here is Khailo's Birth Story:
39 weeks exactly!
Sunday mid day and through late night I had been having painful contraction the where happening about every 4 to 7 min apart, so I thought for sure that would be the night. At about 9 nick told me he had to go help his mom with some computer stuff so I told him keep his phone with him just in case. I took a shower to relax and then hopped into bed to lay down, not longer then an hour later the contraction all the sudden stopped and would only come every once in a while maybe 2 an hour. I woke up the next morning and they had started again but were very random in there timing.
I had a Doc apt at 11 so i headed over there, got into see my doctor and told her how i thought last night i was for sure in labor, she checked me again and i was the same 3 i was last week...aaawwwww, i couldnt believe that i hadnt changed at all with all the contraction i had that week. she asked if i wanted to be induced this week and I said "sure, im done now" she said when do you want to do it, I said AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Iam free today if they have room!!! She called them and they said they would call another nurse in for me and i could come down and have a baby!
She said go home and get your stuff and be at the hospital in 45 min. I called nick and told him we were going to be meeting our little guy today and he was like "WHAT"...HAHAHA. I was so excited to finally be at the day of meeting our little boy. we got kiptin all settled at grandmas house and kaylin was at school still. We got to the hospital at 12:30 and I was still having contractions, my doc called the nurse and told her to hook me up to the PIT and get the show on the road so she wasnt up all night...I told her I didnt think she would be since I had a fast labor with kiptin. she said she was thinking it would be about 7 pm when i would be ready to push. I thought NOT.
The nurse said let me check you again before i set the Pit on a high dose....she said "wow your a 5+ maybe 6", I looked at nick and said holy cow in an hour i went from a 3 to a 6 AWESOME...my doc came in and asked the nurse what i was and had to check for her self cause i was just a 3 an hour ago...and yes she was right i was a 6 and almost all the way thinned out and my water was on the about to pop.. She said goodness girl you know you are in labor and we dont have to induce you, i have to change the paper work to say its not an induction now!!! so she broke my water and MAN OH MAN do that kick up the contractions a notch!! They already hurt but man now they really really hurt.
I guess he wasnt going to let me decide his birthday so he decided he was coming out on his own!!
She asked if i wanted an EPI and i said no not yet I wanted to wait and see if i could still go natural...nick looked at me and said "since when did you want to go natural?" I said I just wanted to try to see how far i could get...well that lasted all about a half hour hahaha, I said to nick "ok go tell them i want my Epidural now" he laughed and went out to the desk and told them I wanted it now and they all started laughing....I yelled "I can hear you, you know!!"
I got my epidural about 3:30 and about 4 i was ready to start pushing! about 4 hours of labor and We were done! My doctor said how shocked she was, and that she had planned it to be about 8 hours!!
At 4:44 we finally met our little boy for the first time! he was a screamer when he came out but it was the most precious little cry ever!
Its always so fun to see nick interact with his new little ones but this time was a little different, he seemed so calm and at peace and like he was a pro this time, he just took little khailo in his arms and held him for hours and hours, he did everything for him even ALL the diapers lol, and always wanted to be by him and touching him...funny i barley got to hold him the first few hours, but I LOVED watching nick with him and still 7 days later I love listening to his daddy talk to him and hold him!
I was a little sad that we didnt have anyone there to take pictures while he was being born but a nurse snapped a few for us. It was the first birth that nick and I did solo with NO ONE in there but the doc and nurses!
We spent 2 day's in the hospital and that first night was the WORST pain i had ever been in, they said that baby #3 is the worst after pains and YES they were right, it was way worse then any of the labor by far. but all worth it cause he is the most beautiful baby ever and i would do it all over again for him!
We had lots of visitors which was nice since when we had kiptin NO one was allowed at the hospital so it was nice to get to have people come by and visit!
So He is finally here in our arms and we couldnt be happier!!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago