my sweet little boy turns 3 today. i cant believe how fast the years go by. right now we are sitting at the turtle bay hotel beach building sand castles, watching the 3 boys i love the most in life melts my heart. kiptin is such a strong minded and so independent little boy, he is feisty but so sweet when he wants to be. the times he come up and snuggles with me our my favorite moments. some of my favorite things he says now are: "i love u too mom" he just come up and hugs me and says that he doesnt just say i love u, he adds the "too" in there which makes it so cute. another all time favorite is "thank me" he says this instead of "thank you"...its also my favorite, the way it come out of his mouth is so darn cute! he is for sure our spitfire child, he takes no crap from make him mad and he lets you know for sure!
i couldnt live life with out this sweet little boy, he has brought so much joy and love to our family, kaylin and him are such good little buddies...kaylin says he will always have a friend to play with even when none of his out side friends can play because he has a brother :) thats exactly what nick and i wanted for them in life is to always have eachother! kiptin is so lucky to have sucha great big brother like kaylin he takes such good care of him and is always thinking of him no matter what he is doing!
we love u so much kiptin, you have brought us more joy then you will ever know. thank you for choosing us as your family, always remember how much we care for you and love you and we will always try to do the best by you and always do the best for you. as your mom my heart and life is so full with you in it, love you forever my son!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago