12 weeks has come and gone now and i think these next 3 weeks are going to crawl by. We always go to "prenatel treasures" to find out what we are having at 15 weeks because why wait another 5 weeks when i can make a phone call and find out 5 weeks earlier??!!! right! Getting to the 12 week safe zone (or more safe zone i call it) is huge for us and then the next one is the 15 week mark so i can start the planning of the babies room.
I started painting but got to stand still because i just want to know before i make a final desision!
I have mostly good days now but some pretty bad ones are thrown in there to keep me on my toes of who is boss of my body now lol! trust me im reminded just when i think i might have some control back.
This time around is so different, being pregnant with kaylin and kiptin was almost identical and this one is totally not the same..so it for sure keeps me guessing!
I went to my doc apt a week ago and he did an ultra sound which was so unexpected and awesome...my baby was so big and moving and wiggling and rubbing its eyes with its little hands, it was just so amazing to see it all happening i wish i could just see it all the time! he did some great 3d pictures that are just the best i have ever seen at 11 weeks. when he was scanning i noticed a "bulge" down there and said "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT", "I HOPE NOT WHAT I THINK IT IS"...He laughed and the nurse laughed and he said "dont think about that now cause boys and girls look the same at this stage for another week or two its called the "nub" (i have NEVER seen the nub before, i never had an early ultra sound done with the other two)....he says that most can make a guess by the "angle of the dangle" to which sex the baby will be but its not a for sure guess. according to our "angle of the dangle" it says probably girl but im not getting my hopes up yet, im just going to wait the 3 weeks out and what ever god blesses us with me will love more then anything!
I also feel the baby move inside of me very often and have felt a little body part sicking out twice now with my fingure...but at the same time i can not put my hand on my belly and feel anything that way i can only feel it on the inside...WEIRD yes very. just like now as i type he or she is moving all around but if i put my hand down i feel nothing??!! its a strange, very strange feeling but so AMAZING at the same time...nick said he would NEVER want to know what its like having a little human move inside of him uncontrolably hahaha, i just laugh!
we are so excited for all the many fun times in store for us as so many new things come our way!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago