Holy heck...i have a child who goes to all day school????? CRAZY.
Kaylin started first grade yesterday August 16th 2012. He was a little bit worried when we got to the school and daddy and I were saying good bye he broke down a little but picked him self up fast and loved his first day!
I picked him up from school and he just jabbered on and on about how he got 4 recesses, and how it was so cool to get to eat school lunch!
He has a great teach, Mrs. Hunter, and has a lot of friends from kindergarten and our neighborhood in there!
Kiptin is a little lost with out his partner in crime all day but is adjusting well, its nice just just have a little "kiptin and mommy time" now. He is so excited when tell him its time to pick brother up!
I hope kaylin has such a great school experience, that he learns as much as he can and loves it and grows to be such a great loving kid!
Your such a big kid now kaylin, we love you so much, you have blessed our lives more then you will ever be able to know. Stay strong and stand up for what you believe in and stay close to your heavenly father, he will guide you through the hard times and love you through them all. You mean the world to us. Happy First Grade Year buddy!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago