This is late as well but its special and I didnt want to forget it...
when sam died this past November we where so sad ecpesially nick because sam was his and he always wanted to get a puppy from him because we knew he wasnt going to live long due to the breed 7 years is average for them. we had two previouse litter's, the first totally unplanned and the second planed so we could keep a pup but it ended up being a really bad time to keep one, so our plan was to breed them again in the summer of 2012 that being a year later. so we separated then during her heat cycle in november, (sam was a crazed dog during this time, which he never acted like that before, but maybe he just knew he would be leaving us, i like to think so) outside and one inside but we had to go to stg for thanksgiving so we had to have them both outside, so we divided the yard and had one of them on each side, we were going to be back late and we had nicks parents check on them and to have them let sam inside since it was too cold out for him, jaida was in the side with the heated dog house so she was fine. well when they went to let sam in,jaida was in the side with him, so freakish way she managed to jump the 4ft fence to be with sam. we thought "OH crap she may have gotten prego" and we DID NOT want puppy's yet. A few days later sam died, and our thoughts of course were why did we not just let them breed. nick was so upset that now our chances of getting a puppy from our sweet sam were gone.
we really hoped that jaida with some miracle got pregnant off that one time she was able to get in with sam.
we watched and noticed NOTHING different in her, we knew what to look for since she was pregnant 2 other times and new the changes in her...but there was not a single thing.
One of the familys that bought a male and female from our 2nd litter called me and offered us to breed the male so we could at least have a pup from sam's line...that was amazing for them to offer and think of us.
we were planning on taking them up on their offer this summer.
Around January 20th we all the sudden noticed that jaida started acting different and started getting milk in...WHAT THE HECK...AMAZING!! how did we not notice?? she really never showed a single sign til then...i looked at the calender and date that her and sam had got in the same side of the yard and the dates matched up exactly with her having pups in just a few days from then....and what do you know on JANUARY 24TH we had 5 beautiful puppies, all fawns just like their dad...2 girls and 3 boys!
It is nothing less of a miracle and we know it was a gift that sam left for us!
we kept the biggest boy, named him KLYDE and he is exactly like his dad in every way...i actually have a hard time with calling him klyde..i always call him SAM.
More pictures to come of him later...he is about 12 weeks old now so i need to get new pics of him.
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago