Valentines day was kinda a little strange this year cause it was the first year I didn't get to spend the actual day with Nick, He left for work on the 10th so he was not here to spend it with me or the boys this year.
We did get to go out to a movie before he left and we bought a little cake to eat together (it was so yummy, lots of fudge just like i like it), he was so sweet and bough me some earrings and necklace and stuck them under my pillow so i would find them when i got into bed!
On the 14th kaylin decided he was going to be my valentine's for the day (he is always so thoughtful and sweet) he told me since dad was gone he would be my valentine for the day! he found a square diamond in his toy box and brought it into my and said "here is your valentine present mom" he was soooo cute, made me all cozy and warm inside!
later that night kaylin and I got out our special cups and ate our chocolate ice cream together, he always gets excited when we get out the special cups!
kiptin didn't really know what was going on but he did love the valentine heart shaped cookies i bought!
i love my little valentines!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago