I am amazed at how time seems to fast for me these days. I just posed that kiptin was 7 months and now another month has passed us right up.
Kiptin is such an amazing baby, he is happy and so smart. He has learned so much this past month...here is what he is doing now at 8 months...
*He loves Pears, anything pear he will eat or drink
*He loves playing with is brother and try's really hard to do everything he is doing
*He LOVES attention, all eyes on him or else!
*He started crawling EVERYWHERE he got the army crawl down about 6/7 months and the past month he has mastered the crawling stage of life.
*He sits on his knees and bounces, and laughs
*He is pulling himself up on to stuff and standing there, yes I would have to say
walking is in his really near future.
*He is for sure a binkie kid (unfortunately) he loves that thing.
*He has to have moms attention as soon as I walk through the door, if i dont stop and say hi and give him hugs and kisses he throws himself down on the floor and cry's until i get him or he crawls over to me and try's to pull himself up my leg!
*He is a mommy's boy for sure! (love him extra for that!!)
*He is very solid..I love his chubby legs and rolls he has, but they are fayding away fast now that he is on the move all the time.
*He still wakes up for one feeding sometime in the night (not good for mommy or daddy)
*He is in size 4 diapers now, kaylin only made it to size 4 so kiptin will for sure pass him up, (it does make it nice though that i only have to buy one size and they both can wear it, kaylin only wears then to bed, thank goodness!
*He is just awesome in every way!
I sure love him to death, he is such a blessing in our life's he makes us all happy!
I love you so much my little kipper snack! happy 8 months.
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago