From this cute LITTLE baby boy....
I LOVE his cute little expression in this picture he's just so "CHILL", i love his hands they are so perfect just showing he is two months old with two fingures, or maybe he is trying to hit on the ladies early in life!
This is one of my favorites i have been able to go (ok well i actually have many favorites but dont all mommy's) He is just so Handsome in this picture and looks so much like his brother.
Another one of my favorites i have of him but this one is one of the few i have of me and him that I LOVE.
L.O.V.E the chunky Chubs!
He is all full of SMILES all the time.
His big brother sure loves him lots, he has to have pictures with him everyday.
Kiptin at TWO MONTHS: has the cutest chuby cheeks and legs, Loves to smile and be talked to, really study's your face when your talking to him, sleeps pretty good at night only waking mom once or twice, loves to be held, hates being swadled, has to have his ALONE time when he is sick of being held he just wants to lay down and observe whats going on, falls asleep when i put him in is bassinet and put his blanky on (mom loves this), he is really paitent, does not cry at night when he wakes to eat he just makes cute noices to let me know he is up and ready, gets hot fast, loves to see his big brother, trys to make the same cute "cooing" noices you make at him, laughs in his sleep!
We love you Kiptin, your a perfect part of our family!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago