Well i guess the swine flu was good for something....it kicked my nesting into HIGH gear!!! I don't think i have EVER cleaned this much in my life, for the past 3 days i have been deep cleaning everything, walls, doors, (too bad i still hate to clean windows even nesting couldn't make me do that) i have deep cleaned my bathrooms about 20 times or more since Thursday, i got all the baby clothes out of storage and went through all the boxes and got out all the clothes up to 3 months and washed them and folded them, put them in the baby's dresser, cleaned out kaylins clothes that don't fit him anymore which is kinda bad cause now i see he needs A LOT of winter clothes cause he has none.
I want to move my rooms around so bad but i have no were to put anything except were it already is so that is driving me crazy (can someone just buy me a bigger house!)
Nick asked me what was wrong with me when i was cleaning the washer and dryer today, he said "are you OK" "are you obsessed with cleaning now" i just laughed cause it is a little weird that i have been like a MAJOR germ freak the last week. I still have A LOT to clean but it is slowly getting there, if you have never seen my house deep cleaned before now is you chance (rayni!)....any ways everyone is good now at our house kaylin and nick still have a little bit of a cough but that's it, thank goodness i tested negative for it and never got sick.
I guess it was all good timing with the swine flu cause i have gotten a lot done i don't think i would have other wise or maybe is was just knowing i only have "9" weeks or less left before our little boy gets here and had to get cracking on all the stuff i have had to do!!!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago