Well this is the final month..if nothing happens then I'm taking a break form all the meds...i cant take the hot flashes and mood swings anymore for a bit. My sister in law brought me this buda statue back from Hawaii and just gave it to me on Sunday so now he sits in my kitchen all though he probably should be in the bedroom lol, anyways I'm on and doing so many things this time around so that there is nothing i can leave out, so if you dont mind hearing all the kinda sick info then read on and i know this may help some people out with trying as well, this is what i have been doing for the past 3 months (we have been trying for 19 months now but this is the meds i have been on for 3 months)...I started Clomid in November 50mgs and did nothing else...December i did 100mg Clomid and OPK'S which i did get positives back so i know the clomid did what it was suppose to do but still nothing....so January/Feb im taking my last script of Clomid 100mgs with aspirin 81mg everyday (this helps my blood flow so i get more to my ovary's and it helps implant the egg into the lining of the uterus and gets rid of blood clots and helps prevent miscarriage), 2Tbs Robitussin 3 times per day (this helps thin the harsh Cervical Mucus so the sperm can swim through it and it will carry them to the tubes with out killing them), Temp Charting in the mornings first thing, OPK'S (Ovulation Predictor Kits) starting CD 10 until positive surge, Prenatals everyday, the drink called Seven (thanks to jeff and rayni), Pre-Seed which i have to insert on my fertile days (sorry i know TMI), i got nick these pills called fertile aid, which is suppose to up the sperm count and mobility and all that great stuff (im just making him take those not for any reason in particular just cause it cant hurt), and now im rubbing my Fertility God Statue...so there you have it, iam a really busy person and im not stressing about it this month im actually really calm and really dont care anymore so if it works SWEET and if not then im taking a break and will continue in a few months with different options! thanks for all your prayers and wishes! BABY DUST TO ME!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago