Today i was sitting around just relaxing looking at some old pictures of kaylin when he was born, I was just thinking as i looked at them how lucky we are to even have him here & healthy with us today. Sometimes i get so caught up in wondering why we haven't gotten pregnant and had another baby yet that i forget what a great miracle we have with us each day. when i started thinking about that i realized that i haven't given much gratitude where it is due for awhile, i just been so caught up in trying for another that we haven't looked at the bigger picture lately of exactly how lucky we are to even have one. we are so lucky to have kaylin with us and if he is the only child i could ever have i would be so thankful for just that. I know that nick and i will have more kids but i just wanted to get this off my chest and put it in writing so when I'm down i can look back and read this, not to mention this is the month of THANKFULNESS right so that also got me thinking and made me want to post something and since kaylin is my life and I'm most thankful for him i posted about him!
I will tell you why we are so lucky to have him since some of you may not know, i will tell you the short version: When we went in for our 4 month appointment my Dr. told us that he had a two vessel cord which is also called SUA (which affects between 0.5% and 7% of pregnancies, it occurs in fewer than 1% of cords) which mean in short that his cord only had one vessel and one artery and one vein, so he would not be getting very much blood, oxygen, and nutrition and he would have to be monitored very close for the rest of the time. He was checked by the specialist every week for fluid count, measurements, weight and any anomalies-which they categorize into these 3 sections: Heart Anomalies, Malformations of the Central Nervous System and Gastrointestinal Tract Abnormalities. Lucky they never found anything in any of the three sections. but it was only a 10% chance that he wouldn't have anything abnormal with him. anyways to skip to the end nick and i wanted to bank his cord blood just in case something did come up and he would have the very best treatment with his one stem cells from his cord, so we took the package to the hospital and the Dr. got it all ready to remove the blood as soon as kaylin was out (they do it before the cord is cut) and the Dr. looked at us as he had the needle in the cord and said "I'm really sorry but i just cant even get a drop of blood out of his cord, there is just nothing in it to get out". he told us after that if the specialist wouldn't have made me go up and get induced right away when he did that one more day maybe hours and kaylin would not have made it (2/3 of SUA babies die before birth). They told us right before they sent us to be induced that kaylin would be just about 4 lbs and would probably have to stay in the hospital for a bit, but he came out 5 lbs and 2 oz and didnt even have to stay in the hospital longer then me, we took him home the next day with us!
Sorry that was still kinda long but that really is the short version, so now you get why we are so very lucky to have him with us healthy and all!!!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago