Iam really feeling the need to vent right now so iam sorry if this offends anyone in anyway. i was looking myspace a while ago and i noticed a girl who has a picture of her on there just her body and she is pregnant and only 16, iam married and and have been trying for some time now for our 2nd and it just make me sick that someone who doesn't really want a child and probably has no means to take care of one and it not even mature enough to handle the challenges and life change that comes along with the change is having one, i know i sound really selfish but i just hate to see things like that happen it really make me sick. trust me i know how hard it is for a 16 year old to have a child it happend in my own family so iam not just judging. the things that she says on her page really show her maturity level, maybe iam judging a little but i really cant stand to see stupidity happen. I feel a little better, now i got that off my chest.
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
13 hours ago