Goodness sake can time please slow down...although your still tiny your aren't as tiny as you once were.
Yesterday you turned 5 came into my arms for the first time 5 months ago....
I have never wanted time to slow down as bad as I do at this moment.
You're in your swing taking a little nap right now as i type this and you once didnt even fit in that swing because you were so tiny.
As much as I LOVE you being so tiny...I cant wait to see you growing up either...I want to know all the little things you will love doing, how your look will change, what your voice will sound like and I CANT WAIT for you to say "mommy"!!!
Today I weighed you and your a whopping 14 pounds even...up a pound from your 4 month check up!
you are in size 2 diapers
you were 3 to 6 month clothes
you have the BEST chubby roles
Yesterday sept. 17th your FOUND YOUR FEET!
The past few weeks you havent been sleeping very well at night (not too happy about that) but I know its a phase and you'll soon be sleeping well again.
you have the fuzziest head of hair...we call you fuzz head or fuzzy wuzzy!
you started laughing and giggling, although when we tickle your belly or back your still not sure what you should do and you hold your breath and turn red!
you drink 4 oz
you can roll from side to side.
you started to hate your bath...bummer, i loved giving you nice long bathes.
you love to sit in your little froggy seat and play with the crinkly toys on it and watch what every one is doing.
you hate to lay down when your awake and you think we need to be holding you every second!
your brother still love you to pieces and are in your face all the get annoyed quickly when they do that.
Khailo still has to hold you every day and still say "mom, hold it" meaning "mom, can i hold him"
you babble all the time...its ADORABLE!
your smile MELTS my heart in millions of pieces, your whole face lights up!
Karbon, I couldnt love you any more, I love you to the max and I am so thankful for will always be my special boy, my sweet baby boy!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
9 hours ago